<%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" CODEPAGE="1252"%> <% if Request.Form("Email")<>"" and len(Request.Form("Email"))>6 and request.form("Namee")<>"" and request.form("sendit")="good" then strEmailFrom = "info@drivingschoolprofessional.com" strEmailTo = "kelticsupport@gmail.com" strEmailTo2 ="info@drivingschoolprofessional.com" strEmailSubject = "SHORT MSG:" strEmailBody = Request.Form("Namee")+vbcrlf+ Request.Form("Email")+vbcrlf+ Request.Form("Tele") Set objEmailMsg = Server.CreateObject("Persits.MailSender") objEmailMsg.Host = "smtp1r.cp.blacknight.com" objEmailMsg.Port = 25 objEmailMsg.From = strEmailFrom objEmailMsg.AddAddress strEmailTo objEmailMsg.AddAddress strEmailTo2 objEmailMsg.Subject = strEmailSubject objEmailMsg.Body = strEmailBody On Error Resume Next objEmailMsg.Send response.redirect "send-info.asp?send=1" Set objEmailMsg = Nothing If Err <> 0 Then Response.Write "Error encountered: " & Err.Description Else end if end if %> Send info

<% if request.QueryString("send")<>1 then %> <% else %>Message Sent! <% end if %>